Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Uma arquiteta e urbanista com pés calçados e cheia de idéias (e ideais) na cabeça!

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009

Changing Perspectives

Central Park by RCF. May, 2009

Volume 1, Issue 4 (april/may 2009)
By Rafaela Figueiredo

When I was teenager, I used to watch all kinds of movies which most of them had New York City as a background. All of these movies, as well as the news on the television or internet, showed me the best part of the city and also all the most expensive places in Gotham City.
For me it was like a dream and I always wanted to come here. Whether as a vacation or for studies, I just wished I could feel how it was to be in NYC - The Capital of the World.
In the movies and the series the people had an easy and exciting lifestyle. They lived in big beautiful apartments that had amazing views of Central Park. Can you imagine how I felt when I arrived here in NYC and stayed the first few weeks in the Bronx?! I almost felt as if I were in a police movie... But I wanted to be in the series "Sex and the City,” one of my favorites. Everything that I had learned about NYC is true; I know that there is all of this glamour but not for me and for most people who live here. It's like two totally different worlds. On the other hand, I could see and feel the real life in NYC: the dirty subway; the beggars who live here; unclean sidewalks; stranger’s manners; the fact that the people not care about the other one
and not respect oldest people. I don't know if I had high expectations... I just know that this city is no longer a dream for me, now here is a real place. And even then, I love it!

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